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Online Directory of NYC Certified Businesses

The Online Directory of NYC Certified Businesses is a searchable list of M/WBE, LBE, and EBE businesses certified
by the City of New York. Find contact information for these firms, and learn about their expertise, experience, and more.

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Search for keyword matches in business name, business description or DBA.

If the input is a single keyword, the application will check if business name, DBA, business description, or contract experience contain that keyword. If the input includes multiple keywords, the application will check for each word individually and return results that contain one or more. To search for a phrase, enter it in quotes (e.g., "market research").
 Goods   Services   Goods and Services
You can select multiple codes from your results. To learn more about NIGP, see New York City Commodity Code Listing (PDF) from
You can select multiple codes from your results. Find Primary NAICS Codes.




Search for up to 20 five-digit codes.